首页 > 游戏补丁 > 漫漫长夜 v1.14(Build 32663)升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版:
漫漫长夜 v1.14(Build 32663)升级档+免DVD补丁BAT版
大小:645 MB
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2.安装漫漫长夜 v1.01 Build 32223升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/74189.html
3.安装漫漫长夜 v1.05 Build 32319升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/74267.html
4.安装漫漫长夜 v1.07(Build 32337)升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/74469.html
5.安装漫漫长夜 v1.08(Build 32384)升级档:http://patch.ali213.net/showpatch/74601.html




*第二集:使用不正确的密钥资源修复Lake Cabin密钥。
*修正了Backer文本在翻译版本中出现的“N / A”而不是正确的英文文本的问题;这个文字是用所有语言翻译成的。
*修正了在挑战中产生的重复熊的问题:Hunted,Part Two


*修正了Gray Mother出现重复信任选项的问题。
*修正了当开始新的Episode 2游戏时,Torch Blueprint无法正确解锁的问题。


*修正了Jeremiah的Flare Cache不正确产生的问题。这修复了获取Supply Caches成就的阻止者。


v1.14 (32663)

* Improved screen flow leading to Episode Two once Episode One credits are complete or skipped.
* Episode Two: Fixed issue preventing Jeremiah's Flare Trust mission from triggering correctly.
* Episode Two: Fixed issue that could prevent Old Bear from progressing to next waypoint in Bear Hunt mission.
* Episode Two: Fix for Lake Cabin key using the incorrect key asset.
* Episode Two & Survival Mode: Added Rope Climb to River area in Broken Railroad region.
* Survival Mode: Tuned Aurora frequency values to make it more rare.
* Survival Mode: Fixed duplicated gear items in Trailer.
* Added scrolling for Journal text that won't fit entirely on screen.
* Fixed issue with gamepad controls when viewing Journal Notes.
* Fixed issue with Back button returning to Main Menu instead of previous screen when viewing Journal Notes from the Main Menu.
* Fixed issue with Cairn and Note collectibles not saving to Journal after death.
* Fixed issue where Flashlight pick-up "hot spot" was awkwardly large.
* Fixed issue where Backer text appeared as "N/A" instead of the correct English text in translated versions; this text is meant to be left untranslated in all languages.
* Fixed issue with duplicate Bears spawning in the Challenge: Hunted, Part Two
* Fixed issue with duplicate Jeremiah Knives spawning in Episode Two.
* Fixed issue with being able to get past the collapsed bridge in the Broken Railroad region.

v1.12 (32503)

* Fixed issue preventing "Lake Gunshots" mission from completing correctly.
* General cinematics polish.
* Clarified Survival School "Harvestable Plants" mission requires adding plants to crate outside Jeremiah's cabin.
* Fixed issues with Distress Pistol animation.
* General memory optimizations.
* Fixed issue where storage container in Lodge appeared to be interactive when it was not.
* Fixed issue where duplicate Trust option appeared for Grey Mother.
* Fixed issue where Torch Blueprint would not unlock correctly when starting a fresh Episode Two game.
* Fixed issue where players could return to Milton after completing Episode One.

v1.10 (32415)

* Fixed issue with Jeremiah's Flare Cache not spawning correctly. This fixes a blocker in getting the Supply Caches achievement.
* Fixed several small typos in various Trust dialogues.
* Memory optimizations.
* Fixed issue where Survival music could occasionally be heard in a story episode.
* Fixed issue where Jeremiah would be inanimate after completing the Bear Hunt mission.
* Fixed issue where the Snow Shelter would not unlock properly after completing the relevant Trust unlock.
* Fixed issue where Methuselah cinematic might not play in Renewed Hope mission.
* Fixed issue where Rifle could end up in a broken state when reloading during a door transition.
* Fixed issue in Survival Mode where the female survivor voice sometimes plays when playing as the male survivor.
* Fixed issue with a series of multiple exertion sounds being played after a Bear struggle.

by BAT

  • 软件信息:
    • 软件类别:游戏补丁
    • 软件语言:简体中文
    • 软件大小:645 MB
    • 更新时间:2017-09-29
    • 运行环境:Windows
    • 相关链接:暂无





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